Kindergarten: Respect is treating others politely and kindly.
First Grade: Respect is treating others with high regard regardless of their race, their place, or the color of their face!
Second to Sixth Grade: Respect is treating others with high regard.
October: Diligence
Kindergarten: Diligence is working your very hardest and staying with it.
First and Second Grade: Diligence is steady, earnest, and energetic effort.
Third to Sixth Grade: Diligence is steady, earnest, and energetic effort. OR Diligence is doggedly doing your best.
November: Gratitude
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Gratitude is thankfulness for the gift of life and the gifts in life.
Kindergarten to Second Grade: Generosity is giving without thinking about getting.
Third to Sixth Grade: Generosity is giving with an open hand and an open heart.
December: Generosity & Hospitality ● Kindergarten to Second Grade: Generosity is Giving with out thinking of getting. ● Third to Sixth Grade: Generosity is giving with an open hand and an open heart.
January: Courage
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Courage is doing what is right in the face of fear. OR Courage is moving beyond fear. OR Courage is finding the strength to venture and persevere.
February: Honesty and Justice
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Honesty is truthfulness: loving the truth, telling the truth,and living truthfully in word and deed. OR Justice is giving the other his or her due. OR Justice is making a space for the rights and needs of others.
March: Compassion
Kindergarten to Second Grade: Compassion is feeling what others are feeling and trying to help with their troubles.
Third to Sixth Grade: Compassion is feeling the pain of others, and acting to end their distress.
April: Forgiveness
Kindergarten to Second Grade: Forgiveness is having enough heart to let go of hurt.
Third to Sixth Grade: Forgiveness is finding it in your heart to pardon or excuse.
Fourth to Sixth Grade: Forgiveness is freeing yourself from anger and the other from guilt.
May: Hope
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Hope is finding the light in the darkness, and trusting in right endings.
June: Heroism
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Heroism is taking noble action for a good cause.