Kindergarten: Respect is treating others politely and kindly.
First Grade: Respect is treating others with high regard regardless of their race, their place, or the color of their face!
Second to Sixth Grade: Respect is treating others with high regard.
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Responsibility is doing your part for the groups that make us whole.
October: Perseverance
Kindergarten - Third Grade: Perseverance is sticking to it—even when you’d rather give up.
Fourth - Sixth Grade: Perseverance is persisting.
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Perseverance is pushing on despite difficulty and hardship.
November: Stewardship
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Stewardship is caring well for the gifts given us – our life, our world, our talents, and those entrusted to our care.
December: Service
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Service is helping others with a cheerful heart.
January: Courage
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Courage is doing what is right in the face of fear. OR Courage is moving beyond fear. Courage is finding the strength to venture and persevere.
February: Loyalty
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Loyalty is being faithful and true to our duties, relations, and ideals.
March: Mercy
Kindergarten-Second Grade: Mercy is showing kindness to those who have not been kind to us.
Third - Sixth Grade: Mercy is showing compassion to the enemy, the wrongdoer, or those over whom one has power.
April: Gentleness and Humility
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Gentleness is treating others with kind words and mild manner.
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Humility is knowing that I am definitely not perfect.
Third - Sixth Grade: Humility is avoiding the temptation to exaggerate our own abilities and underestimate those of others.
May: Wonder
Kindergarten - Second Grade: Wonder is to stop and say: “Wow!”
Third - Sixth Grade: Wonder is to marvel at mystery, to stand in awe before the unexplained.
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Wonder is to delight in beauty and mystery. OR Wonder is the first step on the path to knowledge.
June: Wisdom and Integrity
Kindergarten - Sixth Grade: Wisdom is knowledge of the things that matter. Integrity is living life faithful to good principles and high ideals.