Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Responsibility is doing your part for the groups that make us whole.
October: Self-Control and Self-Discipline
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Self-control is stopping to think about my actions before I enact them!
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Self-discipline is applying ourselves to our tasks. Self-discipline is giving the best of ourselves, and saying “no” to our weaknesses.
November: Wonder
Kindergarten to Second Grade: Wonder is to stop and say: “Wow!”
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Wonder is to delight in beauty and mystery. OR Wonder is the first step on the path to knowledge.
Third to Sixth Grade: Wonder is to marvel at mystery, to stand in awe before the unexplained.
December: Charity
Kindergarten to First Grade: Charity is caring, and working to be kind. OR Charity is giving of heart and soul and mind.
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Charity is the root and mother of all the virtues.
Second to Sixth Grade: Charity is Love. OR Charity is self-less giving to those in need.
January: Courage
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Courage is doing what is right in the face of fear. OR Courage is moving beyond fear. OR Courage is finding the strength to venture and persevere.
February: Love of Country
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Love of Country means being devoted to our nation—loving its ideals, honoring its heroes, respecting its past, and working hard for a just and noble future.
March: Faithfulness
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Faithfulness is standing by those we love, those we serve, and what we believe.
April: Graciousness and Courtesy
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Graciousness is acting kindly, courteously, and making another feel special. Courtesy is showing respect through kindness, politeness, and consideration of the other.
May: Joy
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Joy is the fullness of spirit that blooms from the loving heart.
June: Lives to Learn From
Kindergarten to Sixth Grade: Learn from those who act well, think well, forge new paths, and seek a better world.